Tag: ranchers

  • A Perfect Afternoon for Book Reading

    I caught my husband Art re-reading parts of my book this afternoon after he returned from checking on our cows up at Pringle. Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who’s shared posts on Facebook, showed an interest in, and purchased my first book, A Ranchwife’s Slant: Cowboys, Kids, and Ranch Life….

  • A Rancher’s Desk

    A rancher’s office is outside so naturally his desk is located in his pickup. You can learn a lot about a man by the desk area that he keeps. For instance, hair covering the seats and floor is an indication that his office assistant sheds a lot. A rancher’s desk has essential office supplies needed to…

  • Ask a Professional

    When you want accurate answers to questions about such things as your health, financial investments, or automotive problems for example, you go directly to the people who can answer your questions best with facts to back them up. It’s their job to know all there is to know about their profession and you rely on…

  • Christmas Gift Ideas for Cowboys and Ranchers

    This Christmas season I want to help those in need. Anybody who has a cowboy or rancher on their Christmas list needs some good gift ideas. With my help maybe shoppers won’t resort to buying the cowboy or rancher on their list another western shirt. We’ll start with their hobbies and interests and what comes…

  • Mom, Record This

    My husband looks forward to getting the same thing for Christmas; a new calf record book/calendar. He gets anxious until he’s able to transfer his important information into it before the New Year starts. A number of years ago, I started keeping a pocket calendar to write down ranch information in that I thought might…

  • Motivationally Speaking

    Of the most influential motivational speakers I’ve heard, ranchers top my list. The general public may not categorize ranchers with such speakers but cattlemen have equally influential communication skills. The purpose of a motivational presentation may include persuading workers that they’re capable of doing challenging tasks, provoking a specific reaction, or spurring attendees into action….

  • I Feel Like a Ranch Wife

    My husband feels like he’s truer to the cowboy way and a better cowboy when he’s saddled up to get a cow in, and I can relate. The way a person goes about doing an activity or job can invoke certain feelings. In her song, “Man! I Feel like A Woman!” Shania Twain feels like…

  • Producers and Their Cows

    Part of the reason people don’t know much about cattle handling practices is because the cattlemen are busy spending time with their cows. Ranchers are committed to raising and caring for their stock to the best of their ability which means getting frequent updates on their herd. Numbered ear tags serve as an identification and…

  • My Husband’s Record Book

    My husband won’t admit that he journals, but essentially, that’s what he’s doing every time he records in this little shirt-pocket sized calendar/calf record book. It’s become his memory bank or hard drive, and he’s very possessive and protective of it. If I want to look at it, he always asks me why. I rarely look…

  • In My Next Life I Want to be a Cow

    In my next life I want to be a cow on a United States cattle ranch so I can find out what it feels like to be spoiled. Cows live a cushy life as a result of a rancher’s hard work and his pocketbook. If I were a cow, I would get to eat an…