Tag: journaling

  • A Day for Celebrating Gratitudes

    Thanksgiving may be a day set aside once a year for being thankful and celebrating it with family and food, but I try to be thankful regularly by keeping a gratitude journal. This is a gratitude journal I received one year for Christmas from a girlfriend whose name is also Amy. This is the “instructions”…

  • Mom, Record This

    My husband looks forward to getting the same thing for Christmas; a new calf record book/calendar. He gets anxious until he’s able to transfer his important information into it before the New Year starts. A number of years ago, I started keeping a pocket calendar to write down ranch information in that I thought might…

  • Journaling Part IV

    This post concludes my series on journaling. I hope it inspires you to record something regarding your life. It can be a great way to organize your life or share with future generations what life was like during your lifetime.   In picking out a journal, choose a style that fits your personality. I like…

  • Journaling Part III

    I keep journals for different purposes to help me get organized. I have several that might only get written in every few months. Many I only write a few sentences or paragraphs in. Some of the types of journals I keep are: Cooking Reference for Brandings/Working Cattle Days:   This is a hard cover, spiral…

  • Journaling Part II

    As a result of all the technology available to us, handwritten documentation is becoming endangered. Communication through pen and paper is getting replaced with social networking and emails that are typed. The words are personal but the signature handwriting of that person is replaced with type fonts. I feel very strongly that people’s handwriting needs…

  • Journaling Part I

      Over the next few Mondays, I will be posting about journaling, which is beneficial to my column writing work and keeping my life organized. Journaling or free writing to a writer is like practicing or warming up before an event to a roper. Journaling is mainly for dumping my thoughts and recordkeeping but also…

  • A Quoteworthy Book

    This is my purple quotes book. I love quotes that inspire me, make me laugh or make me think. I used to jot down on a slip of paper a quotation that I liked or that I read in a book whenever I came across one worthy of remembering. It never failed that when I…

  • My Husband’s Record Book

    My husband won’t admit that he journals, but essentially, that’s what he’s doing every time he records in this little shirt-pocket sized calendar/calf record book. It’s become his memory bank or hard drive, and he’s very possessive and protective of it. If I want to look at it, he always asks me why. I rarely look…