Tag: calving season

  • Calving Season Birthdays

    It’s been hard to stay on top of blogging since calving season has started for us so I apologize for the delay. Both my husband and son have birthdays about a week apart at the beginning of our calving season. One of the traditions we’ve carried on from my husband’s youth that’s always made having a…

  • Binoculars: Our Buddy at Calving Time

    Having binoculars is a handy way to check on a cow from a distance that’s calving but we never used to use binoculars much at calving time because we were too cheap to get a good pair. We had several cheapie ones but every time we tried to use them they just frustrated us. They…

  • Cheap Dates

    There are two kinds of dates: the cheap ones and the spendy ones. Going out can get expensive for both parties. Guys should not complain about spending their paychecks on dates because the money women spend to impress a guy has been shelled out prior to the date. Before getting married, women will buy the…

  • “Fort Man” is Nearly Complete

    I’m learning that men never outgrow their dream of building the ultimate fort. For the past month my husband has been spending all of his time up at our new pole barn making one corner of it into a tack room, but it’s really a 47 year-old boy’s fort. Now that the construction of the tack…

  • Calving Season Survival Checklist

    Prior to calving season, my husband always inventories calving supplies that we need to buy or find. Having everything on hand avoids the stress of discovering in the middle of the night that we don’t have what we need. His checklist includes mostly items like mineral supplements, veterinary, and doctoring supplies, but he tends to…

  • Who’s Running the Show?

    Calving season is a challenging time of year for my husband and me to keep up with our kids’ involvement in school, church, and club activities. Obviously, the ones who are running the show around here are the cows we spend most of our time chasing after during calving. Until spring arrives at our place,…