Tag: calf record book

  • Mom, Record This

    My husband looks forward to getting the same thing for Christmas; a new calf record book/calendar. He gets anxious until he’s able to transfer his important information into it before the New Year starts. A number of years ago, I started keeping a pocket calendar to write down ranch information in that I thought might…

  • Journaling Part I

      Over the next few Mondays, I will be posting about journaling, which is beneficial to my column writing work and keeping my life organized. Journaling or free writing to a writer is like practicing or warming up before an event to a roper. Journaling is mainly for dumping my thoughts and recordkeeping but also…

  • My Husband’s Record Book

    My husband won’t admit that he journals, but essentially, that’s what he’s doing every time he records in this little shirt-pocket sized calendar/calf record book. It’s become his memory bank or hard drive, and he’s very possessive and protective of it. If I want to look at it, he always asks me why. I rarely look…