Category: South Dakota Humor
The Tack Room “Museum”
The last week in February we started calving and had a bad cold snap. Calving was just starting for us, and it was while Art and I were regrouping in the tack room recording some eartag numbers of new pairs in the barn, digging out last year’s record book to make some calving season comparisons,…
One of My New Favorite “Little Things in Life”
I’m big on acknowledging the little things in life that make me happy. One of my favorites is the moment after I’ve sat down in a comfy chair or our couch with a cozy blanket on my lap and I open the pages of a brand new book to start reading. I love the crispness and…
Discovering My Mitchell, SD Coffee Shop Fans
There are days as a columnist when I feel like words just won’t bind together for me on the topic I’m trying to write about. When I look at what I’ve written and feel like a 5th grader could do a better job, I sometimes wonder if anybody “out there†actually read my stuff. Then…
Another Use for Duct Tape
Now that calving has begun, (as of last week) my husband and I started the process of every day, looking over the herd and making an educated guess as to which cows are most likely to calve soon. There are various signs to look for such as a cow looking “bagged up†(her milk is…
Getting In Touch with Your Inner Cowgirl
When any of you ladies out there get to feeling out of control, in a rut, downtrodden, or run over in the rat race, take the time to restore your soul and get back on your feet. The best way to do this is to get in touch with your inner cowgirl; here’s how: Take…
Cowboy and Rancher Christmas Gift Guide Part II
I have 16 years of experience in agonizing over what to get a cowboy/rancher for Christmas and consider myself a seasoned gift giver to the cowman. More of my gift suggestions continue as follows. A milk replacer kit that includes a sturdy bucket, whisk, funnel, feeding bag and tube, and powdered electrolytes or colostrum packets…
Christmas Gift Ideas for Cowboys and Ranchers
This Christmas season I want to help those in need. Anybody who has a cowboy or rancher on their Christmas list needs some good gift ideas. With my help maybe shoppers won’t resort to buying the cowboy or rancher on their list another western shirt. We’ll start with their hobbies and interests and what comes…
Pringle Worthy
 You’re just not a true Pringlite unless you’ve shot an elk in the Pringle area. Whether residents apply every year until they finally draw a tag or they’re land owners who get a tag because their land, hay and alfalfa fields, and cattle fences suffer from elk depredation, harvesting an elk; especially a bull…
How to Know If Agriculture Has Consumed Your Life
Farmers and ranchers get into their work so much that it can become more than just a job. It can become their whole life. The following list can help you determine if agriculture has taken over your life. Going on a date with your spouse involves “a quick drive†through an implement dealership to look at…