I never used to like either one of these. In fact, like a lot of foods I wouldn’t try back when I was a picky eater, I was very good at avoiding them. There are many days I regret that I’m still not one. I’ve discovered too many guilty pleasure foods that I can’t stay away from. This is one of them.
I was at my girlfriend Sadonna’s girlie jewelry party one time and she had this yummy cracker dip I practically hovered over the whole evening. It’s all I remember about the party. I’m sure I behaved similarly to our dog Pepper when our barn cats try to sneak a bite of Pepper’s food. When I asked my girlfriend what was in her tasty cracker dip, I was shocked it was mostly black and green olives and a few other ingredients.
I had never tried any kind of olives until then. I asked her for her recipe and like all true girlfriends, she shared it with me.
Olive Cracker Dip
1 14 oz. can black olives drained
1 jar of equal size (or more if you’re like me and love these) green olives with pimentos drained
Garlic cloves, pressed. Now, how many you use depends on if you want to eradicate your bedroom of a warm cozy bedmate due to garlic seeping out of your pores.
My husband is not a garlic fan at all but I like some, so I use one garlic clove or less.
Tbs. olive oil
I also have celery written down with a question mark behind it, so try with or without it and decide for yourself if it needs to be a part of your recipe. I eat it just fine without.
Chop or pulse in a food processor until coarsely chopped. If you don’t pulse or if you process it too much it turns out pâté-like consistency and isn’t as good.
I now keep both olives on hand all the time because it makes the easiest dish to take to parties, book club, potlucks, reunions, etc. I’m sure you’ll agree, the next time you pull an Amy and wait until the last minute to find something to take to a gathering. This dip with chips or crackers is a perfect pairing with beer.
Getting back to my love of olives is another story I’ll share. A couple of summers back while sharing a pitcher of beer with friends during an annual July community event, a few green olives ended up in my beer without my consent but I was feeling fearless that night and that’s when I discovered how badly I love green olives. It’s an addiction, really. I made the mistake of making my husband try them and now we get into fights over who’s eating all the green olives. I buy them in bulk two-pack jars. I must confess that I love them because I have a bad salt habit.
Regardless of what I shouldn’t be addicted to, you’ll have to try this super easy cracker dip. It’s a tasty one enjoyed best with a cold beer.
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