Tag: bull elk
Pringle Worthy
 You’re just not a true Pringlite unless you’ve shot an elk in the Pringle area. Whether residents apply every year until they finally draw a tag or they’re land owners who get a tag because their land, hay and alfalfa fields, and cattle fences suffer from elk depredation, harvesting an elk; especially a bull…
Harvesting Ivory in South Dakota
My husband collects teeth. Not just anybody’s teeth, but elk teeth. He doesn’t do anything with them he just likes keeping them and will get them out occasionally to show the kids, relatives, friends, or just look them over. Elk hunters know what I’m talking about and probably do the same thing. My dad inlaid…
Braggin’ Rights Fit For a Fourteen Year Old
Last Friday was opening day of elk hunting for rifle hunters in the Black Hills. I was attending the Women in Ag conference all day in Spearfish, but when I pulled in the driveway, I could see our red Doge pickup off in the distance headed up the neighbor’s road. It was easy to tell…
Sleepless in September
September has arrived in the Black Hills. The morning air has gathered up a sharp edge, frost has been knocking on our windows, and leaves want to change. My husband and I know what’s coming next—insomnia. For much of September, I get shorted on sleep due to bull elk bugling every night until the night…