Tag: beef
Will Chase After Food
Awhile back I’d written a column about how our food was hard-earned and how sometimes we’ve had to chase it down. That column was inspired by an event that happened with our butcher critter. He’s been kept separate from the heifer calves by a corral fence and an old cattle panel my husband custom fit…
Beef Flavor Factors
Even though my family is able to fill our chest freezer with a wide variety of different beef cuts, I still get confused in remembering where each cut comes from and knowing the best way to cook them. This is especially true now that new value cuts have been created out of the chuck, shoulder,…
Calving Season Suppers
Once calving season is in full swing, the thought of fixing supper gets to be a drag and a hassle. Since my energy and concentration starts to dwindle around suppertime, I try to simplify feeding my family by relying heavily on my crockpot to do a lot of my cooking for me (actually I have two crockpots)….
Have A Taste of Monte Walsh
I discovered a great new twist on a favorite sandwich of mine; the Monte Cristo, on one of my favorite new internet beef recipe resources. The recipe for the Monte Walsh (I love that for a sandwich name—after Tom Selleck’s character in Crossfire Trails) that calls for beef instead of ham. I got the recipe…
Our Annual Family Picnic
When we move our cows to summer range every June, I pack a picnic lunch for our family to enjoy afterwards. It’s made the annual cow-moving trek a family tradition. Sadly, we rarely have picnics, which I need to change. When our kids were younger, the thought of food (mostly a can of pop and…
BEEF Magazine’s May 2011 Issue Features Value Cuts of Beef
I was overly excited when I received the May 2011 issue of BEEF Magazine in our mailbox last week and saw the cover. The magazine’s featured topic focused on value cut meats. The front cover pictured a scrumptious skillet dish of pan-fried steak, onions, jalapeños, and colored bell peppers called Samba steak stir fry using…
Wintertime Ranch-Style Shish Kebabs
Kebabs are one of my favorite ways to eat steak, especially using the tenderized round steak or rib steaks we get from the beef we have processed. Rib steaks aren’t my preferred cut but are perfect for kebabs. Kebabs made with rib steak meat come out tender. I love to make shish kebabs year-round for…
Round Steak Revival
For years, round steak was my least favorite cut of beef, mostly because I struggled to find very many interesting and tasty ways to prepare it. Round steak used to be the last to get eaten of our beef supply. The past few years I’ve taken it as a personal challenge to find new ways…
Kirk Branding Day Dinner Featured on Toque Magazine
Five and a half months after my family and I had our branding day dinner videotaped for a series called What’s For Dinner America? the final cut was revealed on the cooking site called Toque Magazine on October 14, 2010. The following is the video that I wrote about in my column this week and…
The Scoop on Beef
A site worth perusing is http://www.beefitswhatsfordinner.com/. I go there a lot for recipes but also for the helpful information it provides about beef  that I can share with people. Beef It’s What’s For Dinner is funded by the Beef Checkoff Program and the website provides helpful beef related information. Besides wonderful recipes, it also provides helpful…