Photo Gallery


13 responses to “Photo Gallery”

  1. Jill Fedders-Ellefson Avatar
    Jill Fedders-Ellefson

    Just stumbled across your writing and your photos and enjoyed both! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Jimmy Avatar

    All because a radio station here in Leoma, TN played a Bellamy Brothers song I ended up here! Went to their facebook page and followed your post. One of these days I hope to visit SD. You all seem to live a good life and makes me think of how much I love TN too!

  3. Amy Avatar

    Funny how things come about! I am grateful you took the time to follow and read my blog. Hopefully, I post some worthy SD pictures you’ll enjoy. Many people who come and visit here have wonderful memories of their time spent in the Black Hills. You’ll have to plan yours sometime! The weather is pleasant most of the year but winters can be harsh.

  4. Cheryl Avatar

    I just found your blog. I really enjoy your photos. The Black Hills are my husband’s and my favorite place to visit. We live in Ks so it is an easy trip we try to visit every other year and dream of retiring there.

  5. Muriel Jamison Avatar
    Muriel Jamison

    I lost and found again your pictures of heart shaped rocks… fun to collect, aren’t they? i have some that are good size for paper weights… and would make great “little” gifts.. but I have a hard time giving them away.. just a silly feeling —as God probably placed a few more in my way if I just look for them~!~
    I enjoy your blog.. thanks for the insights you offer. Muriel

  6. Amy Avatar

    My daughter and I are always on the lookout for them. I love finding them! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog!

  7. Mike Avatar

    Cool photos

  8. bernie schoep Avatar

    do you ever try any new cookie recipes amy?

  9. Erin Konkol Avatar
    Erin Konkol

    Sherry and I just got on your website. We love it! What a great way to share yourself with others! We will be keeping our eyes on you in the future! Looking forward to our trip next year! Love – Erin and Sherry

  10. Sue Avatar

    A big hello to you and the family. Have just picked up the news of your book from Tom Moates who I’ve been following for a while in my quest to learn as much as I can about horses/ranching and country life in the US, so I shall be endeavouring to get myself a copy via my ususal source if I can – it sometimes takes a while for new stuff to become available over here in England.
    I’m looking forward to reading Tom’s ‘Going Somewhere’ too now I know it’s available (I have all the the rest). I’ve loved horses all my life, and want to soak up everything I can to learn as much as I can – don’t know I ever will know enough. Best wishes to you all from the UK.

  11. James Avatar

    I have been reading your columns in the Tri-State Neighbor for years and decided to let you know how much I enjoy your stories. I was stationed at Ellsworth AFB for two years and my brother used to live in Brookings, so I am familiar with South Dakota. We live in western Iowa near the Nebraska border and we have a nice farm. We used to raise cattle, so we especially enjoy that aspect of your writing.

    A big hello to you Sue, if you are still visiting this site. My wife and I lived in Essex for two years, and some of my ancestors came from there, so it is almost like a second home to us.

  12. Amy Avatar

    Hi James, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! I appreciate your kind words–sometimes its compliments like yours that keep me motivated and encouraged when I am struggling with a topic to write about. Take care!

  13. Francesco Avatar

    Cool photos, it really feels like being there!

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