In A Ranchwife’s Slant humor columnist and speaker Amy Kirk candidly profiles the big things in life in small but humorous ways: marriage, parenting, the gender gap, and problem solving, all under the premise of living and working with cattle.
Kirk doesn’t candy-coat what family life is like with cows and openly shares the good, the bad, and the crazy of her family’s lifestyle along with the steady challenges that are part of the gig. She gives an entertaining perspective of what it’s like being a ranch wife raising a family and livestock alongside her husband Art.
In Kirk’s first anthology of previously published humor columns, she covers topics that husbands, wives, men, women, and parents can all relate to with vignettes of her family and ranch life in rural western South Dakota. Included are Kirk ranch photos and direct quotes from her personal collection of her kids’ comical witticisms.
Foreword by renowned South Dakota author Linda Hasselstrom
Order your signed copy of “A Ranchwife’s Slant” $19.95 (plus shipping & handling)
If you’d prefer to order by check, you can send me a check to: Amy Kirk, P.O. Box 132, Pringle, SD 57773 or email me at (orders shipped in South Dakota please add 6% sales tax)
1 book @ 19.95 +6.95 S & H, 2 books, add $8.95 S & H, 3 books or more add $10.95 S & H.
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