“Amy’s Hereford”

RWSAmys Hereford

A while back I wrote a column about “Amy’s Hereford.” During calving season last year we got a cute little Hereford heifer calf in our calf crop.

Since she arrived I’ve kind of fussed over the little gal and my fascination with her got to be a joke whenever we’d see her. If we spotted her while feeding cows or later in the summer while out checking cows, Art would say, “There’s Amy’s Hereford!”

Since we don’t have the kids’ first cow Annabelle anymore, this little heifer kind of replaced Annabelle–the only Hereford cow we’d had for a long time. Once my husband started calling the calf “Amy’s Hereford,” the name eventually stuck.

We kept some replacement heifers this fall and my Hereford was one of them. Throughout the spring, summer, fall, and now winter, I’ve occasionally taken pictures of her.

RWSAmys Hereford2

She’s shaping up to be one of the biggest heifer calves we kept. I’m really looking forward watching her grow and to see what kind of mother she’ll be once she’s old enough to get bred and has her first calf.

When we worked our cows this fall, we also worked the heifer calves we’d kept and when my Hereford calf came through the chute my husband joked with the vet and said, “After all these years Amy finally gets a cow.”

While sorting through photos I’d taken over the past year, I kept coming across pictures of my little Hereford I’d taken pictures of and had forgotten about so I gathered all of them and thought I’d share her “baby pictures” with you.

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Here she is dozing under the shade of a tree out on summer range.

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RWSAmys Hereford6 Since my kids aren’t babies anymore, instead of taking hundreds of baby pictures, I’ve moved on to calves. Hope you enjoyed my “brag book” pictures!

RWSAmy Hereford7

2 responses to ““Amy’s Hereford””

  1. Bill Kirk Avatar

    HAHAHA. Its all that extra love “Amy’s Hereford” got when she was just a little one…

  2. Amy Avatar

    Bill, we really love the etched glasses you made! Great beer steins, eh? Yeah, for all the work I do, I get very little ownership/calf check in the fall. I tease Art when we’re getting ready to work cows and ask Art, “Are we talking about OUR cows or YOUR COWS?” LOL.

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