Haying Lessons

 At the start of haying our son left on an international trip with a group of other teens and it was the ideal opportunity to teach our daughter how to run the windrower and rake hay. The Ford tractor has proven to be a good fit for her to use with the rake (but not so much of a good fit for me riding along). Art rode with her first, to get her started, then I rode with her to show her how to make turns and not miss any hay on the turn around.


Art and I also showed her the finer points of windrowing. Making rounds in the windrower with my daughter has made the job more enjoyable and helpful for me in making sure rocks aren’t getting dragged along and passing the time. She’s enjoyed learning something new and having a new job to do has made her feel included. We get plenty of conversation time while in the cab taking turns at the wheel.


Our son is good help but I must say that my husband, daughter and I make a darn good haying team. Putting up hay as a family is what you call family time–ranch style.

6 responses to “Haying Lessons”

  1. Candy C. Avatar

    Good for her and that tractor does look like a perfect size for her! It’s wonderful to see your family time! 🙂

  2. Deb Avatar

    I agree, good family time! That Ford tractor is nice and looks like a good one to learn on. When our girls got to high school, they usually had jobs off the farm/ranch in the summer, but there were a couple of years where all 3 of them were home helping us. That was nice! We have a windrower, too, but my favorite way to cut hay is with our sickle bars behind the JD 3020. Have a good summer!

  3. Robyn Avatar

    I am raking and J’s Dad is the baler. We are trucking along. It seems like haying is taking forever (we have been at it almost 2 weeks) and we have a ways to go.

    Looking forward to the end!

  4. tether Avatar

    The picture of your husband behind your daughter is exactly how we spent out haying season. We have two daughters, so they would trade off but I rode with the both of them.

  5. Buttons Avatar

    Popping over from Robyn’s blog and so happy I did. I have one question can I borrow your daughter mine now live in the city and my neighbour rakes for us now. Nice blog and nice meeting you. B

  6. Amy Avatar

    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog! I am WAY overdue getting posts up and replying to comments. It’s been an exceptionally busy couple of months for me getting my first book ready to go to print–my first compilation of columns. I enjoy hearing about your operation as well!

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