Photos of Our Baby Calves After A Spring Snowstorm

Earlier this week we received around 10” of snow over the course of two and a half days. Since the storm finally broke by daylight yesterday, I remembered to grab my camera and got some photos of my favorite calves.

Getting the day’s forecast is an important part of our cow feeding routine. We like to know which direction the wind will be blowing so we can choose the best spot to feed. We try to pick a low spot along a bank, dam wall or stand of trees to create a windbreak feed area. We also give our cows more feed on cold days.


My favorite part of going to feed cows is watching the calves. Some people like people-watching; well, I like calf-watching. Calves can be entertaining and oftentimes amusing. They’re so curious and want to know what we’re doing that they’ll stare at me and observe what’s going on, sniff the air, and maybe come a little closer. Here’s a couple of curious calves.



We like unrolling our feed in a horseshoe shape. For some reason I find it comical whenever calves will lie down and eat the hay around them but of course none of them would demonstrate once I had my camera in hand.  

The only calves we eartag are our kids’ calves, and theirs have yellow eartags. Our cows all have black eartags.


This is the only Hereford calf that’s showed up in our calf crop so far. It’s a heifer and I’ve convinced my husband to keep her as a replacement heifer , even though we aren’t likely to keep any other replacement heifers this year. My husband dubbed her as “Amy’s Hereford.”I couldn’t  get a picture of just her without spooking her away.


I refer to this calf as the “panda bear calf ” due to the black coloring around its eyes.


I love the black and white markings on this bull calf. He’s one of my favorites.


The bald forehead markings make me think mother nature didn’t finish her job in making this red one a bald face calf.


Another one of the kids’ calves with interesting markings.


The baldy with a patch of black around its eye.


Once we finish feeding our cows and springer bunch at the barn, we drive up to Pringle to feed the bulls and get a couple of bales to bring home. I took this picture of the Kirk barn from our stackyard east of the barn.


Even though we have a lot of snow, it’s a welcome sight. The ground was getting powdery dry and we need every drop of moisture we can get, regardless of the form it comes in!

4 responses to “Photos of Our Baby Calves After A Spring Snowstorm”

  1. Laura Avatar

    I enjoyed the pictures of your baby calves. The Hereford one in particular, as I grew up on a farm with registered Hereford cattle. Some of the best memories from my childhood are spending time with my dad watching the cute baby calves cavorting around in the springtime. thanks for posting these!

  2. Robyn Avatar

    Looks like you had fun calf watching. Look at all those pretty white faces! I would have to keep the Hereford for a replacement too.

  3. Candy C. Avatar

    Your little Hereford heifer is a cutie! 🙂
    I can’t believe how this winter is just lingering on and on for you guys up north. I know the moisture is always welcome though. Love that last shot of the barn, it could be on a greeting card!

  4. tether Avatar

    cute calves. we have char crosses on black. We get some pretty cute calves with white markings.

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