Reminiscing Little Delights in 2012

Sometimes it’s hard to remember those little things that happen to us throughout the year that make us smile, like now. It’s been a depressing couple of weeks for me thinking about the victims in Newtown, Connecticut, the surviving schoolmates, the families, friends, and the community. I continue to pray daily for them. Tragedies like these make it hard to think positively about our world and a glimmer of hope and good thoughts are needed. The last couple of days I’ve been reading a book my daughter bought called The Book of Awesome, about the little things that give us delight and it has been the perfect reminder for me to think of those small delights i encounter each day and the perfect perscription to cheer me up.

Oftentimes we put more focus on our anxieties and worries that we take for granted those daily little bright spots that stop us in our tracks and give us a delightful distraction from our daily stress and troublesome thoughts. Living in the country offers so many little wonders. I know that at our household, we tend to dwell on the numerous things that cause us stress, worry, and anxiety that we don’t give enough credit to all the wonderful small stuff we’ve had the pleasure of experiencing throughout the year.

As I sorted through photos desperate for a blog post topic, I came across pictures of some “small stuff” that gave my family a moment of happiness. Amidst an unusually hot summer and a drought that has affected us like many others in the region as well as having had a close call with a 7,000 acre fire that skirted our homplace and summer livestock lease, any small pleasure was welcomed but quickly forgotten.

The moment I came across photos I’d forgotten that I’d taken from just this past summer, my spirits were lifted at the memory so I am sharing them with you, hoping you can delight in some of our small joys as well.

The curiousness of yearling heifers.


The day Annabelle had her new calf (the kids’ cow).


Capturing eastern South Dakota’s beauty on a long, tiresome drive home alone.


My husband’s inventions for making chores MUCH easier (and safer).

The joy of holding a newborn (my niece).


Feeling the enthusiasm of my son’s excitement over our branding day.


Getting to see lots of my favorite color in flowers and one of my favorite flowers blooming throughout my yard.


After four long years of wishing for bluebirds to nest in our bird house, a pair finally did this summer,

AND being fortunate enough to see the fledglings leave the nest for the first time!

Making the drudgery of having to pump water and wait for the tank to fill every day all summer, more pleasant to look forward to. While I waited for the tank to fill, I enjed immensely, watching a bluebird family every morning as well as watching numerous other bluebirds drink from our stock tank.

 The delight of finally getting my own bed frame bench that I’ve been wanting for our yard for Mother’s Day; compliments of my husband’s welding skills.


Finding a treasure this summer amongst a bunch of junk in an old outbuilding on the place.


Getting to see “our turtle” in the dam sunning himself every morning,

then getting to save him from a highway fatality.


Our family moving cows midsummer and nothing went wrong and everybody had a great time together.


Establishing new friendships.


The excitement of finally finding something that’s been on my goal list for a year and getting to check it off.


Morning bird watching and nighttime cricket-listening right outside my window. A favorite summertime pleasure.


 Successfully capturing one of my favorite summertime scenes. (I love seeing every full moon even though it wreaks havoc on my sleep).

 Sharing in our son’s excitement over buying his first vehicle.


Visiting amazing places of beauty in the wintertime that we live surrounded by, and reveling in the peacefulness it gives (Spring Creek at Storm Mountain Center).

Have a Merry Christmas with your loved ones and savor (and document)  those small joys in 2013 to remind us of the happiness that enters our lives.

2 responses to “Reminiscing Little Delights in 2012”

  1. Deb Avatar

    Nice year in review! Happy New Year!

  2. Renee-Lucie Benoit Avatar
    Renee-Lucie Benoit

    I echo what Deb here says. Happy New Year to everybody! We’re starting out good here in Northern California up by the Mendocino Natinal Forest on 1,000 acres. We’re getting a new year’s day with relief from the unending rain and mud. We assume you have cold weather and snow. We’re weather wimps compared to you Dakota folks but we have our share of challenges. All the best and keep up the good work. – Renee-Lucie from Grindstone Ranch

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