Focus on The Family: Sometimes It’s Tough

There are times when my role in our family life needs recharged. When it’s been noted that “Mom’s gone off the grid lately,” I try to rein myself back in.

I have always been a Dr. James Dobson fan and have read some of his books on parenting for guidance as a mother wanting to understand her children’s needs. Dr. Dobson was the founder of Focus on the Family but has since moved on to other ventures.

Focus on the Family is a resource that gives “relevant Christian advice on marriage, parenting and other topics.” I’ve always enjoyed the literature and have found the site equally helpful at times when I felt like I lost my map in parenting and held myself responsible for our family’s lack in unity and harmony.

Although leaving Focus on the Family was due in part to starting a new chapter in his life, he left on a positive note and continues with his broadcast ministry, Family Talk. I highly recommend Dr. Dobson’s books and Focus on the Family as resources for maintaining positive, Christian relationships. Both have helped me be the kind of mom and wife I want to be.

2 responses to “Focus on The Family: Sometimes It’s Tough”

  1. Jennifer Avatar

    You had me at “sometimes my role in our family life needs recharged.” Summer has exhausted me … it’s fun, family time and hard work, but some days I’m guilty of “checking out” and doing what needs done without being the leader and disciplinarian and organizer I should be. Thanks for a little kick in the rear to get me moving again 🙂 Have a lovely Sunday!
    .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Build on the rock =-.

  2. Amy Avatar

    Thanks for your comments. I’m just glad I’m not alone!

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