Consumers should be informed about the food they buy, not coerced into certain beliefs about their food. The Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) is a nonprofit organization that looks out for the consumer and promotes protecting the consumer’s choices. This site informs consumers of what certain people and organizations are doing to sway consumers about the food and beverages they buy.
CCF is a source for the latest news on food politics and activists. The site gathers information on obesity, the food police, food radicals, and clears the air about topics such as mad cow disease and mercury and posts the latest news articles relating to the food and beverage industry.
If you don’t like people and organizations meddling in your freedom to make your own choices and decisions about the food you buy and eat, perusing The Center for Consumer Freedom is worth checking out. The site includes a list of helpful additional links to aid in further fact-finding about what kinds of scams activist groups and the media are promoting to curtail consumers’ freedom. To get started, I recommend reading 7 Things You Didn’t Know About the HSUS under “Popular Articles.”
Our best defense in protecting our freedom to eat and buy what we want, is to be well informed.
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