Regardless of where you stand with our current Presidential administration, I find it important to know as an American citizen what’s going on at the White House.
Did you know the White House has a blog? Every day someone from the Administration posts something. There is also a “picture of the day†taken and posted on the site. Other topics of interest I’ve found on the site are videos, podcasts, a weekly address, speeches, the White House Schedule, a whole list of issues, bios on the administration, and information about the White House and our government.
Since my family doesn’t have satellite television anymore and we aren’t subscribers to daily regional or national newspapers, we are often in the dark (which I’m okay with most of the time) on what the current headlines are.
I check the news online or read daily newspapers available at our local library occasionally, but since a lot of the nation’s media headlines negative news, I feel better not knowing everything that’s making waves. The majority of news we read consists of agriculture related information that affects us.
By checking this blog periodically, I can find out what’s going on in our nation’s capital, what current topics are being talked about, and where the President is.
If nothing else, it’s a good place to learn about who the Presidential Cabinet members are (I didn’t know very many besides Tom Vilsak) and read the bios of the people that make up our current administration. Take a gander and see if you can get better informed just a little. Visit
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