The Pringle Poacher Car


The 2010 opening weekend of elk season began on Oct. 1st for hunters with bull elk tags. In true Pringle Poacher fashion, Saturday, October 2nd was the night of the Pringle Poacher Party.

As part of Pringle’s sense of humor, the town commemorates the tongue-in-cheek organization called the Pringle Poacher Association. It’s mostly an excuse to get people together to drink beer, have a pig roast and a dance, and raise money for the Pringle Fire Department with a gun raffle. T-shirts and caps are sold and the winner of the gun raffle is announced.

I was gone the weekend of the party but when I drove through town on my way home, I noticed the Pringle Poacher’s car was still parked in front of the Hitchrail the day after the party. I’m guessing the car wouldn’t start up again once it got parked, which is part of the Poacher car’s character since it’s been known to quit before due to seldom appearances.

I decided to enlighten you with pictures of the PPA’s car—this one’s been used for at least 15 years that I know of. My husband has the original Pringle Poacher car setting on a rock ledge looking over the town of Pringle.

The car is customized: its top is cut off, a seat’s been added in the trunk, and is accessorized.

Spotlights are a must , a winch, a set of horns, and it always has a cooler full of beer. The words “Pringle Poachers” and the tag line “night time’s the right time” were painted on the sides years ago.

To learn the story of how the Pringle Poachers Association evolved and  the rest of how my husband got the first PPA car placed at the top of the hill overlooking Pringle, you can read the column I wrote about it here.

One response to “The Pringle Poacher Car”

  1. Carolyn Jensen Avatar
    Carolyn Jensen

    Enjoyed the PP car story. I’m Everett & Marg Cole’s daughter. We own the Cole’s place in Pringle. I’d like to buy a couple Pringle Poachers shirts..the long sleeve black collared ones some were wearing this summer. Can’t find where to order them??? Can you help? Carolyn Cole Jensen

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