New Neighbors

Recently, I’ve been watching a couple that’s been considering moving into the area. They’ve been house shopping and have looked at the same two houses several times. One is an older red home and the other is a newer unpainted one.


Near as I can tell, they seem like a nice couple from my observations while watching them through my kitchen window. I really, really hope that they decide to pick the house that’s straight east of us. It’s an adorable house my daughter built one summer at VBS and has never been lived in. The couple, Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird; had been considering it until they spotted the red one hanging in the neighboring tree and have been spending a lot of time checking that one out instead.


They act like a typical couple trying to find the perfect home to suit their needs and to raise a family in. I’ve seen Mr. Bluebird spend a lot of time up on the roof checking out the exterior of both houses and the houses’ views. If he’s not looking over the roof, he’s waiting for the Mrs. to get done looking around inside.


Picking out a house is a big deal. I mean, if you’re going to raise a family, the home should be a place suited to a couple’s needs that you’ll be happy with. Ultimately, the female should be satisfied with the home because she’s going to be spending a lot of time there and will be busy until her babies leave the house, so it should fulfill her criterion. The male is in charge of providing everything necessary to make it their home.


Mrs. Bluebird managed to get Mr. Bluebird inside both of the houses several times. The couple seems interested in the red one. They had several discussions outside of the red bird house. It’s bigger but older and hangs from a tree which causes it to sway in the wind more. The tall bird house is affixed to the light pole but is smaller and narrower inside.

It appears though after several weeks of looking at the two houses over repeatedly, the expectant couple may have made a decision, although I don’t think they’ve made it official just yet. Evidently they didn’t want to deal with the tall birdhouse’s furnishings that hadn’t been removed. I saw Mr. Bluebird dropping off new furnishings in the red house the other day, so I’m assuming that’s the house they’ve decided to take.


I should be elated that the couple likes our neighborhood enough to move in but I was really hoping that they would have picked the house my daughter built. Regardless, we’re excited to have a young couple move in and I look forward to their babies’ arrival and watching their family grow.

One response to “New Neighbors”

  1. Erika Kotite Avatar

    What a terrific story! I really thought you were getting, er, human neighbors at first. Birds are much better, although they’re usually shy and don’t invite you to their parties. 🙂 Keep em coming, Amy.

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